25 Mar

Everyday, lately, we have been anxiously anticipating news from the front line of this virus.  In doing so we may be missing the greatest truth of all. Life as we knew it will change.  

Just as things changed after 911, we are experiencing another wave of change that will shape our tomorrow. Opportunity comes on the wings of change.   Our ability to anticipate and be ready for the changes that will happen dictate our survival.  What will we learn from change? 

I encourage each of us to start a list of identified changes and place a result or strategy next to each.  Take advantage of the opportunities and mitigate the challenges.  

What do we need to do differently?

What resources do we have and how do we best use them>

Did we learn anything and how can we apply what we learned?

We will all come through this!  How well will depend upon how we are able to adapt to the changes.

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