The Challenges of Small Not-for-Profit Organizations

The Challenges of Small Not-for-Profit Organizations

These organizations are being challenged like never before to the degree that they may no longer have the resources to continue. This will impact the very fabric of our communities, placing greater emphasis on providing programs and services through government structures and removing them further from the people served.

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A Greater Vision

A Greater Vision

George Washington had a greater vision for our nation then the one that has occurred. Washington believed that only a central government with real powers, including a powerful chief executive, could counterbalance and unite the 13 fractious states. Leadership is a combination of charisma, integrity, determination, flexibility, resourcefulness, creativity, self-confidence, a sense of responsibility, the ability to communicate, and consistency.

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Perfection is the Enemy of Good Enough!

Perfection is the Enemy of Good Enough!

We can always strive for perfection but understand that it may not be obtainable. Good enough often is if it means accomplishing anything.

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How five simple "to do" items can transform your leadership

How five simple "to do" items can transform your leadership

Are there certain things you want to accomplish today? Do you list brief descriptions next to a small check off box with the intent of doing each of them today? How is that working out for you? Perhaps well, but you always seem to have a couple boxes not checked by the end of the day. Scott Cochrane offers the following advice.

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Four Questions that Transform Your Leadership

Four Questions that Transform Your Leadership

There are four questions everyone should ask to help determine the actions they should take in life.

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Understanding the Differences

Understanding the Differences

Clarification of various terms used in organizations..

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How to Get Things Done

How to Get Things Done

There is a closely guarded secret if nothing else is working for you. I will reveal it to you, but you may not be in the right frame of mind to do it. It is a proven concept to make you more productive and accomplish more.

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Comprehensive Church Marketing Plan Templet

Comprehensive Church Marketing Plan Templet

Churches today need to market themselves. Church marketing is a way of promoting a church's mission, vision, and culture to those who currently attend the church and those you hope will attend in the future.

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Quality Thinking Tips

Quality Thinking Tips

Do you have a clear, calm mind most of your day? Do you find your thoughts drifting? Do you find your mind is generally cluttered with a whole load of ‘internal mind chatter’? 10 Tips to help!

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Strategic Planning Revealed

Strategic Planning Revealed

The terms and processes of planning can become confusing and complicated. There is no one best approach but an understanding of the meaning of the various terms will help set a course towards success.

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Why People Take Action?

Why People Take Action?

People take action for specific reasons. In a sales situation it would be a tremendous advantage to understand those reasons. This article will help you to understand how this might be possible

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Becoming a Thought Leader.

Becoming a Thought Leader.

I am working to become a thought leader in the area of TRUTH. I share my thoughts on the subject to inspire you to seek the area of thought leadership that is right for you!

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